Columbia Connects Boston/Cambridge

Join dozens of your fellow alumni from around Boston for a night of networking and fun. There will be appetizers and a cash bar.

There are Columbia celebrations all over the world, see

New to the area or long time resident? Recent or not so recent alumni? All are welcome!

Hope to see you in Cambridge on September 17th.



September 17, 2014 at 6:00pm - 9pm

Tavern in the Square (Central)

730 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States

Will Eisner

Sareena Khera Brendan Price Amy Bracken Elisabeth Stevens Kevin Lotery Michelle Mussafi Jannine Dewar Analisa Smith-Perez Lois Curley Stephen Cummings Erica Weaver Dalit Horn Steven Howard Xuan Dong Joseph Ciulla Tzu-Yin Wang Alexander Cortez Jie Qi Ching-Hao Lu Rebecca Chan Varun Agrawal Aimee Reveno Maria Tiliakos Josie Sun John Stickevers Matt Mabe Arjun Mudan Liana Gergely Randy Berkowitz Xixin Liu Alexandra (Lexie) Kovach Shang-Pin Kwei Vivek Sable Dominic Tong Dominic SuJin Lee Natasha Terhorst Alice Xu Anonymous Keating McKeon Robert Petito Moira Cunningham Gabriel Tang Justin Miranda Chia Ming Chen William Schmidt Steven Coleman Alexandra Castillejos

Will you come?