I believe that the Columbia Alumni Association of Boston (CAAB) has a responsibility to create a combined safe space for dialogue, healing, community and learning. The board is here to represent your interests when providing content and connections through our common University Connection.
July 01, 2020
An Open Letter to the Alumni of CAAB
COVID 19 and the George Floyd Movement have changed the way that I look at the world. These changes led me to consider our responsibility as a Boston based organization and a Columbia Affiliate. On June 1st, I directed our board to limit communications and events in observance of the ongoing impact to our communities. Independence Day approaches and I wish to move our core conversations forward towards healing and liberty.
At this time, we do not anticipate having in-person events in the year 2020. Circumstances may change, in which case we will notify you using our standard e-mail list.
We will continue hosting and promoting valuable virtual discussions, arts engagements and networking events. Our intent is to support members of the community during this extended time of uncertainty, while maintaining the discipline required for safe activities.
I make a promise on behalf of the board: The Board promises to foster an environment where ideas and experiences can be openly shared in a safe space. A safe space is one where we will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm. I feel this is the same pledge we made as members of our Columbia Community in NYC.
The CAAB mission is to cultivate an open, inclusive environment for Columbians in the Boston area. We work diligently to create and nurture diverse communities that engage in creative and thoughtful ways to strengthen our link as a Columbia Community.
We have discussed as a broader board of directors our Bostonian Columbian Shared Identity:
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Independence
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong
Leonard Robinson,
President, CAA Boston
The mission of the Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) is to cultivate a uniquely Columbia environment in which diverse, impactful opportunities inspire students and alumni to engage, exchange, and experience the lifelong benefits of our Columbia Community.
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